The largest building in Mohenjodaro is granary which is 45.71 mtrs long and 15.23 mtrs wide. There were arrangements for hot water bath in some rooms. This solid construction has successfully withstood the natural ravages for 5000 years. The Great bath had 8 ft thick outer walls. The water was discharged by a huge drain with corbelled roof more than 6 ft in depth. It has a flight of steps at either end and is fed by a well, situated in one of the adjoining rooms. In the centre, there is a huge swimming pool (approximately 39 ft long, 23 ft wide and 8ft deep) with the remains of galleries and rooms on all four sides. The most striking feature in Mohenjodaro is the Great Bath.

No other contemporary civilization gave so much attention to cleanliness. Thus Indus people had a perfect underground drainage system. Large brick culverts with corbelled roofs were constructed on the outskirts of the city to carry excess water. They were covered and had manholes at intervals for cleaning and clearing purposes. Brick laid channels flowed through every street. Each house had its own drainage and soak pit which was connected to the public drainage. One of the most remarkable features of the Indus valley civilization is that the city was provided with an excellent closed drainage system. These prove the presence of good municipal administration. Dustbins were also provided on the streets. This suggests the existence of street lights. Archaeologists have discovered the lamp posts at intervals. The streets and roads divided the city into rectangular blocks. They were 13 to 34 feet wide and were well lined. The streets were straight and cut each other at right angles. Town Planning of Indus Valley Civilization Streets

The cities without citadel are found on high mounds. Both of them are surrounded by a massive brick wall. A few cities have citadels to the West built on higher platform and to the east of which is the hub of residential area. The Indus cities were built on an uniform plan. Indus people were the first to build planned cities with scientific drainage system. Their town planning proves that they lived a highly civilized and developed life.

Town planning is the unique feature of Indus valley civilization.